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Tour Information- not much going on sadly
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This site will stay here as a tribute but the new site has many more options including no pop ups and many new audio features. Thanks for all the support.
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THE CALL is one of the most overlooked bands of recent
memory. This band is a great combination of musicians that craft excellent
tunes. This page was recently started as a tribute to this great band. With
this in mind, please realize that as time permits in my schedule, I plan to
update this page with all of the pictures and interviews from the original
CALL fanzine "Notified" as I was a charter member and, somehow, still have
all the issues that were ever made. These issues feature some great insight
into the band. Most of these are now in place!
As hard as I try, there is much more to add. This page is a tribute to a fine band that never got the recognition it deserved! Thanks for finding us!!
"This critically acclaimed band counts Peter Gabriel, Robbie Robertson, and Jim Kerr among it's biggest fans. So what are you waiting for? This is a Call well worth heeding."- Rolling Stone
"Spiritual adventuring by a California band that dances well clear of high seriousness into a unique groove" says TIME magazine of "Into The Woods", rating Into The Woods as one of the top ten rock albums of 1987.
Enjoy the page. Although it is not updated daily, it is better than what initially was out there on the net. Life keeps me busy but I strive to keep this going. Any additions, corrections, reviews, etc. are always welcomed! The CALL is still there for all of us to listen too!!!!!! It is too bad that the common names like "The CALL" and "Michael Been" don't serve up this page even with a google search. Thanks for finding it!!!!
Stay alive,
PS- I recently uncovered some great live material and found a way to use my new minimac and get it to CD. You know where to find me!!!!